Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Sparkcomics for Children of the Future

My student wasn't in school today, so I had a lot of down time. I read and ate lots of junk food. Then I walked down to the storage closet and grabbed a brand new composition notebook and started drawing. Here's what I came up with: Sparkcomics of "great" classics. Why bother reading all those Sparknotes when I found I could fit a whole book into a mere five frames? So I give you ladies and gentlemen, the first official Sparkcomics. See if you can figure out the books they portray 'cause telling you would be just too easy.

1 comment:

  1. Romeo and Juliet, Grapes of Wrath, Farewell to Arms, Gone with the Wind. #4 I never read, and really have little desire to. I did watch the movie, which doesn't really do anything for me either. I was born too far north I guess.
