Monday, February 1, 2010

The Human Mind

Roy stepped out of the ventilation shaft and into the hallway. Glancing around he made his way left past the large murkey windows looking out onto the street. With one hand in his pocket, he fingered a small piece of plastic that was so vital to make everything right..............................

Ok, quick! Don't read what anyone else wrote, just comment and write what you saw in your mind. For example, does Roy have brown hair? Red? Blonde? Purple? How old is he? Etc. Write only what you saw. And if you're over zealous, write more about the story too. :)

To read after you post:
In a flash of not so brilliant light, I thought of the first sentence to this post very randomly. That got me thinking about how different people would see this picture that was in my head if I only wrote down only a few words that were not specific enough to be decisively descriptive. And so I thought I'd share with all of you and see what sort of automatic or generic picture came into your mind and imagination with very little provocation.
When I read the first sentence in a book, I usually get some picture in my head that is shaped as I continue reading by the author's descriptions, and even then I sometimes still stick to my original pictures! So I was just curious as to how everyone else's mind worked too!