Friday, February 15, 2013

Day 13

Jo and Emily's last full day in the DR! We headed out for some Zip lining!

It took a while to get a reasonable price on a ride but we finally did, and the ride was in the back of a pickup  truck!

We weren't real sure about the body hanging at the entrance . . .

but we swallowed our fears and headed up the mountain. It was quite the hike. The hill we climbed up was pretty comparable to some steep hills in Pittsburgh! Whew!

This looks steep... it was steeper.

When we made it to the top, *gulp* take a look below

We were all pretty scared. So we watched the group ahead of us go down, then it was our turn. After being hooked up, I went first down the line.

I have to say, it was awesome! Even Emily and Natalie who were pretty terrified loved it! We got to zip down twelve lines. If you have to get down a mountain, this is the best way to do it!

We tried hanging upside down and spinning around a bit too.

At the end, we got a tour of the tree house hotel the owner is building. It looked like Ewok city.

We also got a brief show about the local fruits and was able to try things like sugar cane, coconut, hot chocolate, coffee beans and some things I didn't even catch the name of!

When we got back that afternoon I was able to join Natalie on a study close to the Kingdom Hall. We were looking at the Listen to God brochure and the story of Adam and Eve.

We tried to help her understand how Jehovah felt when Adam and Eve stole from the tree and ate the fruit but she was having a hard time answering that question. So we got to act out me stealing some gum that Natalie told me not to take and we got to do some drawing as well. Natalie said I could go back a few times next week so I setup with her for Sunday.

When I got back to the house, we headed for a final look at the beach with Emily and Jo before they left. There is a really long bridge that goes out to an island close to the beach so we walked out that. The island also has a beach so we explored all the cesspool life. There were super tiny snail-thingies (not quite sure of the proper name for them!) everywhere! We found sea urchins and hermit crabs as well.

Seeing rain in the distance...

we started to head back.

We met Natalie and Bailey on the beach and decided to head to a Chinese restaurant up the hill and across town. On our way back after eating we also stopped to see a sister that goes to the La Pascuala congregation, about a 20/30 minute ride on a Gua-Gua out of town.

After bidding Natalie adieu and the girls finished packing, we hit the sack!


  1. Adds to the thought zippidee do dah

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I would never do the zip line or walk that bridge.... Way to high for me... Sorry but I'm glad Emily is back... We missed her here... I'm glad your still blogging tho
