Sunday, February 3, 2013

Dominican Day 1

We made it! It's been a super long day starting around 3:30AM! Flew from Pit to Atlanta to the Dominican arriving here at 2:30PM.

We flew through customs and then stepped out from the airport into the warm Dominican sun. As we walked to the exit, people crowded around the low barriers, eagerly straining to find loved ones and friends coming down the arrivals ramp.

To our surprise we saw my name on a piece of paper being held by a sister we'd never met! How thrilled we were to have her there to guide us to SamanĂ !

The bus (or Gua-Gua) ride was 2.5 hours long so we were able to see plenty of the country as we passed through various towns.

Riding on a cart up to the house, we had the suitcases on the roof, tied down with a rope! I wish we could have gotten a picture, but believe me it looked crazy! Fortunately, it was a short ride. Julia on the left.

Finally, we happily arrived safely at the house and after enjoying a delicious dinner of pasta and rice with beans we are ready to beat it to bed.

But, not before I catch me some Super Bowl!

And some Dexter's Lab in Spanish.

Tomorrow is a down day and we'll head to the supermercado and hopefully the beach!


  1. Great post! Looking forward to reading more!

    1. Thanks Al! Unfortunately for me, I am writing nothing in my journal so this will have to be the surrogate journal. I was thinking maybe I could do one of those blog to book things when I'm done.

  2. You really got to step on through to the other side. Our trip to WV doesn't sound so bad
